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This month Brick Critics has a updated wordmark, and finally has a Spotlight! Help make sure all articles are above 300bytes and that you have your article catigorized. The Search bar has been updated with a new border around the entire search area. Brick Critics IRC chat is added and is located at Brick Critics:IRC Channel. The Reviewer of the month is Mr.Brick who has been working hard to earn this Award, and Creates some of the largest reviews on the wiki. Without Mr.Brick helping us along the way we would have a hard time with the wiki. As Mr.Brick added Reviews when ever he got a LEGO® set, or minifigure. Click a Brick is now our offical friend, visit the site and learn News about new LEGO® relesed. Also a new LEGO® Friends show appeared on YouTube, it is in Greek, but is getting a lot of attentien. LEGO® is now the largest tyre producer in the world creating over 318 million tyres each year, that is 870,000 tyres each day. Well thats the news for this week, be sure to read next weeks News, and to comment and report new news bellow.
